Introduction to Institution Membership

Institution Membership of the AAQS

Membership of the AAQS was initially limited to associations / institutions of quantity surveyors on the African continent. The current Institution Members of the AAQS are:

  • Angola Association of Quantity Surveyors (AAQS)
  • Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (ASAQS)
  • Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS)
  • Institute of Botswana Quantity Surveyors (IBQS)
  • Institute of Namibian Quantity Surveyors (INQS)
  • Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (IQSK)
  • Institution of Surveyors of Uganda (ISU)
  • Lesotho Association of Quantity Surveyors (LAQS)
  • Mauritius Association of Quantity Surveyors (MAQS)
  • Mozambique Association of Quantity Surveyors (MAQS)
  • Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS)
  • Quantity Surveyor Chapter of the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK)
  • Rwanda Institute of Architects QS Chapter
  • Surveyors Institute of Malawi (SIM)
  • Surveyors Institute of Zambia (SIZ)
  • Swaziland Association of Quantity Surveyors (SAQS)
  • Tanzania Institute of Quantity Surveyors (TIQS)
  • Zimbabwe Institute of Quantity Surveyors (ZIQS)


Enshrined in the constitution of the AAQS are the following objectives:

  • To unite on a democratic basis and to foster co-operative, intellectual, cultural, educational and scientific ties among national bodies of quantity surveyors on the African continent
  • To foster and maintain professional contacts, mutual support and assistance amongst members and to maintain contact with other international associations of similar objectives and functions
  • To promote the recognition of the quantity surveyor’s role in society and to maintain public confidence in the integrity and the competence of quantity surveyors by encouraging members of the Association to maintain the highest professional standards and ethics
  • To promote and encourage development and education in quantity surveying
  • To promote research and technical advancement in the built environment
  • To promote free movement of quantity surveyors amongst member countries
  • To provide all possible support to the creation of bodies of quantity surveyors throughout the continent
  • To promote the development and use of model documentation

Role of AAQS Council Members Representing Institution Members (Institution Representatives)

AAQS council members representing Institution Members (hereinafter referred to as Institution Representatives) should be in a position to attend at own cost (or sponsored/ funded by the relevant institution/association) the AAQS council meetings (one meeting a year held in any one of the seventeen member countries)

Such council members are inter alia required to also fulfil the following roles, but should obtain assistance from Practice Members and others as may be necessary:

  1. Follow-up on outstanding Institution Membership fees. Copies of invoices will be sent to both the Institution and the Institution Representative but it will be the Institution Representative’s duty to follow-up on payment
  2. Follow-up on outstanding Practice Membership fees. Copies of invoices will be sent to the representative of the Practice Member but it will be the Institution Representative’s duty to follow-up on payment, where so requested by the AAQS secretariat
  3. Increasing the number of Practice Members in the relevant country. Application forms may be found on the AAQS website. Note that the relevant Institution Member has to endorse any applications sent to the secretariat for Practice Membership, indicating that the applicant is currently in ‘good standing’ with the Institution
  4. Arranging for the completion of a Pricing Data Questionnaire (3 to 6 practices reaching consensus depending on the number of practices in the relevant country). Pricing is to be based on market rates for one location in the relevant country applicable as at 30 September annually, with submission by no later than fifteen days later. Refer to the AAQS website for details and an online input form
  5. Ensure submission by the Institution Member of the Institution Member Annual Report as at 1 July annually. This may be done online by going to the Model Documentation section on the home page of the AAQS website
  6. Ensure that all relevant information on the AAQS website related to the country and the institution is up to date; for instance, the contact details of tertiary institutions within the country providing quantity surveying programmes (go to “Education” then “Education within respective countries” on the home page)
  7. Periodically providing details to the AAQS secretariat of significant seminars, conferences and CPD events, etc arranged by the relevant Institution Member and which may be of interest to the wider AAQS membership
  8. Ensuring that copies of the AAQS newsletter are distributed electronically directly to individual quantity surveyors by Institution Member organisations; and obtaining and providing locally relevant articles and photographs for the AAQS newsletter
  9. Promotion of funding opportunities for the AAQS by identifying potential industry-wide sponsors / advertisers and facilitating the introduction of such potential sponsors to the AAQS. Go to Industry Sponsors under Sponsors on the home page of the AAQS website for details and online submissions
  10. Act as a primary facilitator when AAQS meetings are scheduled for the country within which the Institution Representative is based

Institution Membership Fees

The Institution Membership fees for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 are as follows:

Category A: Large institutions/associations
(eg Nigeria and South Africa)
ZAR 13,700.00
Category B: Medium size institutions/associations
(eg Ghana, Kenya)
ZAR 8,100.00
Category C: Small institutions/associations
(eg Mauritius, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda)
ZAR 4,200.00
Category D: Smaller institutions /associations
(eg Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
ZAR 2,950.00
Category E: One-representative institutions/associations
(eg Angola, Mozambique)
ZAR 1,000.00

Half the annual subscription will be applicable for the first year of membership if the remaining period of the first year is six months or less